Brachypodium Links
The Checklist gives information on the accepted scientific names and synonyms of monocot plants. It allows you to search for all the scientific names of a particular plant, or the areas of the world in which it grows.
The monocots are some of the largest families of angiosperms (such as the orchids with ca. 20,000 species and the grasses with ca. 15,000 species) as well as some of the most economically important species of plants.
HarvEST is principally EST database-viewing software that emphasizes gene function and is oriented to comparative genomics and the design of oligonucleotides, in support of activities such as microarray content design, function annotation, physical...
Site with some description of Brachypodium, from the Institute of Biological Science at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth and the nearby Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research.
Development site for the Brachypodium Genome Resources Project, which is part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Genomics and Gene Discovery (GGD) Research Unit, located at the Western...
Brachpodium resource at, hosted by the Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing at Oregon State University. is a free information portal and community resource for Brachypodium researchers worldwide.

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