Friday, February 25, 2011
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network  :
  standards and characterisation in synthetic biology

The SynBioStandards Network is an innovative and interdisciplinary network for UK academics working in synthetic biology. Pulling together researchers from the worlds of engineering, biological sciences, computer science and the social sciences, the Network aims to create a space for them to share ideas, and to develop a common language and set of tools for synthetic biology research.

Activities of the Network are primarily concerned with issues relating to standards and characterisation in synthetic biology. This is one of the main challenges faced by synthetic biology researchers, and one that will require ongoing dialogue. The SynBioStandards Network is not a standard-setting body, but we hope to develop approaches and protocols that are seen as a gold standard and adopted by synthetic biology researchers worldwide.

The SynBioStandards Network is funded for three years from June 2008. The members initially represented in this Network are from Imperial College London, University of Cambridge, The University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow, and University of Newcastle. We hope that membership of the Network will expand over time, and we aim to build bridges with groups worldwide who are grappling with similar questions.

The lead coordinators of the Network are:
Alistair Elfick (University of Edinburgh)
Emma Frow (University of Edinburgh)
Jim Haseloff (University of Cambridge)

Any enquiries about the SynBioStandards Network and its activities should be directed to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The Network is funded by four UK research councils: details on the right of this page. Six other UK networks have also been funded by the research councils. Details of the awards to UK synthetic biology networks.