8 Jun 2009

New Germ Busters Outwit Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

By Erin Biba
From http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/magazine/17-06/st_germbusters

Infectious bacteria have evolved through the loopholes in almost every drug we've created, thanks to our own misuse and overuse. But we may yet outmaneuver them. Researchers are testing new bug-killers that bypass the molecular pathways used by old-school antibiotics—and maybe won't produce the same kind of resistance. Once more unto the breach, dear friends!

Alligator Blood

Alligators heal fast, rarely get infections, and survive in murky water on diseased food. Researchers at McNeese State University in Louisiana believe that proteins in their blood inhibit bacterial growth. If so, similar proteins may help mammals.

Bacterial DNA

A team at the University of Warwick employed genome mining (analysis of controlled genetic tweaks) to isolate a previouslyunknown signaling chemical in Streptomyces bacteria that causes the bugs to produce natural antibiotics.


A derivative of N-chlorotaurine made by NovaBay Pharmaceuticalsmimics an immune system chemical similar to chlorine, which messes with bacterial proteins. The drug is in trials for treating urinary tract infections.


At least three different kinds of clay, two from the US and one from France, seem to have antibacterial effects. So, you know: That's weird. Scientists at Arizona State University aim to figure out whether it can be used in medicine.

Lasers and Dye

Hit indocyanine green dye with a laser and it becomes lethal to the critters that cause staph infections, scarlet fever, and other nasty diseases. Researchers in London say the technique could be used to sterilize wounds.


Bacteriophages are viruses that attack and eat bacteria. Boston University researchers recently engineered some to penetrate and dissolve the slimy protective walls, or biofilms, around antibiotic-resistant superbug colonies.