20 Jan 2012

[Research highlight] Laws of microbial growth:

In a work recently published in Science, Scott et al reveal a series of microbial "growth laws" that describe simple relationships between translation, nutrition, and cellular growth. They show that these laws hold across different experimental perturbations and E. coli strains, and, ultimately, provide a phenomenological model describing the delicate balancing act cells maintain when deciding how much of their proteome to allocate to ribosome-related processes.

Scott M, Gunderson CW, Mateescu EM, Zhang Z, Hwa T (2010) Interdependence of cell growth and gene expression: origins and consequences. Science 330:1099-102

→ also see the related Perspective
Lerman J, Palsson BO (2010) Topping off a multiscale balancing act. Science 330:1058-9

(Via The Seven Stones.)