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# Article Title
1 iGEM 2008: Novice Bioengineers
2 Mac Cowell at DIYbio
3 BioBrick memory stick!
4 The evolution of biology.
5 Toward scalable parts families for predictable design of biological circuits.
6 Synthetic Biology in Seed magazine
7 Network Legos: Building Blocks of Cellular Wiring Diagrams.
8 Uncovering mechanisms of bistability in biological systems.
9 Standardizing experimental protocols.
10 Survival of the sparsest: robust gene networks are parsimonious
11 High-order combination effects and biological robustness
12 The incoherent feed-forward loop can generate non-monotonic input functions for genes
13 Positive feedback of G1 cyclins ensures coherent cell cycle entry
14 Synthetic biology through biomolecular design and engineering.
15 Genetic design: rising above the sequence.
16 Using plasma membrane nanoclusters to build better signaling circuits.
17 Cell morphology: Breaking the spatial code
18 Combinatorial promoter design for engineering noisy gene expression
19 Civil society organizations respond to report on synthetic biology governance
20 Size control goes global.
21 Programming gene expression with combinatorial promoters
22 Accurate prediction of gene feedback circuit behavior from component properties
23 The road to modularity
24 Synthetic biology: Designs for life
25 New insight into the molecular mechanisms of two-partner secretion.
26 Executable cell biology
27 Imaging cellular network dynamics in three dimensions using fast 3D laser scanning
28 EU makes available €1.75 billion for new research under 7th Framework Programme - emphasis on bioenergy and biofuels
29 Engineering entropy-driven reactions and networks catalyzed by DNA.
30 Mechanisms controlling cell cycle exit upon terminal differentiation.
31 Shape, polarity, and multicellular morphogenesis.
32 Oscillators and the emergence of tissue organization during zebrafish somitogenesis.
33 Sensor complexes regulating two-component signal transduction.
34 Synthetic biology: promises and challenges
35 Artificial cells: building bioinspired systems using small-scale biology.
36 Along the silk road, spiders make way for mussels.
37 Wired Science Reveals Secret Codes in Craig Venter's Artificial Genome
38 The cell cycle: now live and in color.
39 Visualizing spatiotemporal dynamics of multicellular cell-cycle progression.
40 Cell division and endoreduplication: doubtful engines of vegetative growth.
41 Using engineered scaffold interactions to reshape MAP kinase pathway signaling dynamics.
42 Opportunities in synthetic biology
43 Choose your partners: dimerization in eukaryotic transcription factors.