Thursday, January 06, 2011
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Tenure track position in Synthetic Biology at UCSF

The new Mission Bay campus at UCSF  is the focal point for interdisciplinary research at the intersection between the physical and biological sciences. Chris Voigt is chairing a search in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at UCSF in the areas of Synthetic Biology, Genetic Engineering, and Biotechnology.  The successful candidate will be able to recruit graduate students from several excellent graduate programs (all with NIH training grants), including the Graduate Program in Biophysics, the joint UCSF-UCB Program in Bioengineering, and the new Systems Biology graduate program.  The position would also be within QB3, the California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, which has been an important catalyst in bringing physical scientists from a variety of backgrounds to the life sciences campus. See more details in the "Jobs" section.